HALF OFF Reiki, Sound & AromaTouch Treatment
1 hour Session - On-Site Only
(Portsmouth NH)
February and March 2025
use code HALF2025
Reiki, Sound & AromaTouch
$120 in Portsmouth at my studio.
$250 at your space with all my tools.
(1 hour, 1 session, 3 modalities)
AromaTouch Technique
The ArōmaTouch Technique is a clinical approach to applying essential oils along energy meridians and visceral contact points of the back and feet to help balance sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems of the body. (See AromaTouch Technique PDF & Testimonial link buttons below)
Reiki is a healing technique based on the principle of channeling energy into a client by means of working within their energy field. Reiki activates the natural healing processes of the client's body which supports & restores physical and emotional well-being.
An ancient art and science, Greek physicians used musical instruments to heal patients, using the power of vibration to promote healthy digestion, sleep and emotional disturbances. Vibration really is a key word when it comes to sound healing, because all sound is made up of vibration/frequency/resonance. In sound healing, resonance principles are engaged to re-harmonize cells imprinted with disruptive frequencies. Such troublesome imprints may have resulted from toxic substances, emotional traumas, pathogens, or long-term exposure to noise pollution.
Use of essential oils for physical, mental & emotional support to promote sleep, motivate, create calm, console, enhance peace, elevate joy or increase energy.
$120 in Portsmouth at my studio.
$250 at your space with all my tools.
(1 hour, 1 session, 3 modalities)
AromaTouch Technique
The ArōmaTouch Technique is a clinical approach to applying essential oils along energy meridians and visceral contact points of the back and feet to help balance sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems of the body. (See AromaTouch Technique PDF & Testimonial link buttons below)
Reiki is a healing technique based on the principle of channeling energy into a client by means of working within their energy field. Reiki activates the natural healing processes of the client's body which supports & restores physical and emotional well-being.
An ancient art and science, Greek physicians used musical instruments to heal patients, using the power of vibration to promote healthy digestion, sleep and emotional disturbances. Vibration really is a key word when it comes to sound healing, because all sound is made up of vibration/frequency/resonance. In sound healing, resonance principles are engaged to re-harmonize cells imprinted with disruptive frequencies. Such troublesome imprints may have resulted from toxic substances, emotional traumas, pathogens, or long-term exposure to noise pollution.
Use of essential oils for physical, mental & emotional support to promote sleep, motivate, create calm, console, enhance peace, elevate joy or increase energy.